Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Tugas Fisika - Contoh Torsi dalam Kehidupan Sehari - hari

          Torsi menunjukkan kemampuan sebuah gaya untuk membuat benda melakukan gerak rotasi sebuah benda akan berotasi bila dikenai torsi.
          Torsi disebut juga momen gaya dan merupakan besaran vector. Torsi adalah hasil kali antara vector posisi “r”dengan gaya “F”, datpat dirumuskan  besarnya torsi adalah
Perhatikan pada saat kita membuka kipas, yaitu seperti
saat kita membuka kipas ini dibutuhkan gaya agar kipas dapat terbuka. Saat kita membuka  kipas di dekat poros dengan di ujung kipas itu berbeda. jika kita membuka kipas di dekat porosnya akan terasa sulit karena "r" kecil. Hal itu disebabkan karena torsi berbanding lurus dengan jarak dan gaya. Sehingga pada saat jarknya lebih pendek torsinya kecil.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris - Report Text about Phone



Who doesn't know handphone? We all here have it. And now we will tell you a report about handphone. A mobile phone, also known as a cell phone or a hand phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls or text messages, which is used to communicate with others. Hand phone has become the new technology of today’s lifestyle. As a proof, elementary school students or maybe playgroup students are already using hand phones or smart phones.
Hand phones are largely used by most of us. It has been the primary needs of our daily life. In this rapidly changing world, technology is growing and hand phones are getting cheaper. There are some kinds of cell phones like smart phones. You can save data in your phone, type your task, take and customize your picture and the most important thing is you can connect your phone with internet connection, of course with the options of your SIM card provider.
There are a lot of important usages we can get from hand phone. Let’s take a look at some of its positive effects. As its primary usage, of course, it is use as a way of communication. We can communicate anywhere we want as long as it has signal. For example, in Indonesia there are a lot of people working in other countries; hand phones enable them to communicate with their family, especially for people who living in the countryside. Short Message System which is also known as SMS is very popular. This is because SMS is cheaper than making a call, this makes them able to communicate without spending too much expenses on credits. Multimedia Message System which is also known as MMS is very useful because we can send photos or pictures easily. Handphone can also usefor gaming but the up to date  now, handphone can use to browsing something, like a social network or searching something .However,we must  pay the operational cost.
All mobile phones have a number of features in common, but manufacturers also try to differentiate their own products by implementing additional functions to make them more attractive to consumers. The common components found on all phones are:A battery, providing the power source for the phone functions.An input mechanism to allow the user to interact with the phone.
The most common input mechanism is a keypad, but touch screens are also found in most smartphones.A screen which echoes the user's typing, displays text messages, contacts and more.Basic mobile phone services to allow users to make calls and send text messages.All GSM phones use a SIM card to allow an account to be swapped among devices. Some CDMA devices also have a similar card called a R-UIMIndividual GSM, WCDMA, iDEN and somesatellite phone devices are uniquely identified by an International Mobile Equipment Identity(IMEI) number.
Mobile phones are the most widely used today is the type of smartphone. and this smartphone, requires a kind of pulse, or better known as quota, to be able to continue to access or continue the search data to the internet. many interesting applications that can only be obtained via the Internet can be obtained through this smartphone. such as social media, games or the other. smartphone was chosen because it is believed to make many people more up to date or can maximize what they need.
In the other hand the handphone can give us bad effects such as, radiation, dizzy, forgetting time, become lazy because too much playing games or chatting with friends and maybe make us forget the world aroundus and so on. of course we as a young generation especially students, should be good consumers. therefore, use your mobile phone smart and qualified .

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Contoh Sajak Sunda - Cipanon Gaza

Cipanon Gaza

Cipanon mangtaun-taun anu teu eureun
Kapsul gede ngalayang di awang-awang
Napsu dunia ngabalukarkeun kapeurihan
Rek nu rempo, nu jag-jag, nepi kanu leutik bajuang keur nagarana

Sora-sora nu teu merenah 
Ngorejatkeun Gaza Timur Tengah
Wer… cai bereum rempag ti awak
Jiwa jeung ragana paparisah

Jalma lir cangegar
Koceak neang pangbalikan
Dunya lolong kosong kawatir
Leungeun bungangang kauyahan

Kasedih ngabalukarkeun kakuatan
Keur ngabela nagarana
Marawa bedil geus biasa
Nu penting hatena tiis

Buka akal jeung rasa tina sarungna
Tong nganggep ngan hideung jeung bodas
Loba beja, loba pandangan
Teu kawas dua sisi recehan

Arah kiblat mimiti umat
Anu dilahun ku panyaangan
Pangeran moal mupus kawelasan
Kana kadekan makhlukna dina ngadegkeun panji Tauhid

Lemah cai nu pinuh ku katentraman
Riuh ku riungan makhluk pangeran
Nu keur sujud ka anjeunna
Minuhan tempat sujudna

Kelompok 2

Annisa M.J.
Dinan F.F.A.
Hafidh A.B.
Refi F.M.
Rifo A.G.
Salwa N.F.
Widara A.I.

Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

How to make "Special Fried Noodle"

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Bahasa Alami

Dalam filsafat bahasa, bahasa alami atau bahasa natural adalah suatu bahasa yang diucapkan, ditulis, atau diisyaratkan (secara visual atau isyarat lain) oleh manusia untuk komunikasi umum. Bahasa jenis ini dibedakan dengan bahasa formal – seperti bahasa pemrograman komputer atau "bahasa" yang digunakan dalam kajian logika formal, terutama logika matematika – serta bahasa buatan.